Course Description
In this course, APP-NEA will show you how to stay at the forefront of dental sleep medicine (DSM). APP-NEA is the only company of its kind with scientifically proven Multi-Variable Adaptive Analytics Algorithm MAD-FIT that places a patient in perfect titration from night one for maximum effectiveness of the Oral Appliance.
Questions answered during this course:
- What is Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) & Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA)?
- How to screen and treat OSA and Snoring safely, predictably, and with confidence using scientifically-proven clinical, administrative and medical billing systems.
- How our easy to implement turn key system will greatly benefit you and your patients.
- Our unique online algorithm-based system to find the exact jaw position for your Oral Appliances from the very first fitting. No more wasting time with subjective trial by error titrating.
- How to market to OSA and Snoring patients with our comprehensive and automated systems.
- How to add tens of thousands of dollars to your bottom line while combating a serious medical condition (OSA, Snoring and SDB).
- How early intervention, interceptive orthodontic treatment can permanently improve a child’s airway.
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Learn how to Effectively Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Revolutionary MAD-FITTM System!
From screening and testing to treating and medical insurance, let us show you step-by-step implementation for optimal patient care & maximizing your profits.
- The importance of treating OSA in your practice and identifying “at risk” patients
- How to predictably and consistently screen for the 20% of your adult patients & 12% of your pediatric patients in your practice who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea
- How to treat OSA and Snoring safely, predictably, and with confidence
- Easy implementation of DSM into your practice with our step-by-step, practical, clinical and administrative systems
- Know why Bruxism is a warning sign of sleep apnea and how a nightguard can do more harm than good
- How to predictably and effectively treat the 75% of those CPAP non-compliant patients in your practice and community
- How to take the guess work out of determining the proper bite for your Oral Appliances without having to pay thousands of dollars for unnecessary, expensive equipment
- How to file medical insurance claims with confidence
- How to network with and market to sleep physicians and establish your practice as the dental sleep medicine practice in your community
Encore Las Vegas | 3131 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Dinner will be provided. Co-Sponsored by DDS Lab
February 22 & 23, 2019
Registration | 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Program | 6:30pm - 8:30pm Lecture presentation and dinner
Type: Certification
CE credits: 14 credits
Tuition: $1,495 per doctor* ($995 fee for first 50 to register)
*fee includes 1 team member registration, each additional team members - $299

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